30 Day Easy Returns
If your item was purchased in error, or you've simply changed your mind, it may not be too late for a refund. To see if you are eligible please check below: We must be notified within 30 days of you receiving the item that you intend to return it. The item must then be returned within 14 days following this notification.
The item must be returned in original re-saleable condition with all tags and packaging (ready to be put back on the shelf)
The item/s are NOT opened, used, worn or damaged, and are in perfect condition when we receive them back
That you DO NOT stick or write anything on the item itself or its packaging. Please only write or place postage stickers on the outer postage packaging.
The item is securely packed to ensure it is received back by us in original and re-saleable condition.
The refund amount will also have original freight costs deducted. If the item was sent with free postage, a 20% postage fee will also be deducted from the refund amount.
If the item has sustained damage in transit or does not return as noted above, a revised refund amount may be required.